Hand Therapy and Occupational therapy in Okmulgee, OK.

Of the 225,000+ Physical Therapists and 127,000+ Occupational Therapists in the United States, there are only just over 6,000 clinicians who have earned the Certified Hand Therapists (CHTs) designation.
CHTs therefore represent the top 1.5% of rehab therapy clinicians that specializes in hand care — one which is right here in Okmulgee!

What is a Certified Hand Therapist?

Per the American Society of Hand Therapists: A Certified Hand Therapist, or CHT, is an OT or PT by profession with at least three years of experience, plus 4,000 hours of hand and upper extremity therapy practice (upper extremity rehabilitation).

A hand and upper extremity therapy specialist provides:

  • Accurate assessments, immediate care and effective treatment to reduce treatment time
  • A continuum of care eliminating the need for multiple medical providers
  • Faster recovery results in decreased medical costs
  • Functional outcomes ensuring a faster return to work and productive lifestyle
  • The most comprehensive care for their patients

Hand Therapists Provide the Highest Standard of Care

ASHT states that a qualified hand therapist evaluates and treats any problem related to the upper extremities. A variety of techniques and tools may be used in therapeutic intervention, including but not limited to:

  • Activity/exercise regimes custom designed to increase motion, dexterity and strength with the ultimate goal of improving function
  • Behavior management
  • Compressive therapy
  • Desensitization, sensory re-education or sensory compensatory techniques
  • Electrical modalities
  • Ergonomic modifications
  • Adaptive techniques and suggestions for adaptive/assistive devices equipment
  • Industrial consultation
  • Joint protection and energy conservation training
  • Manual therapy
  • Orthotic fabrication for post-op surgical protection/immobilization, correction of injury or deformity and conservative management of common upper extremity syndromes
  • Pain management, acute or chronic
  • Patient and family education
  • Prosthetic training
  • Scar tissue management
  • Thermal modalities
  • Wellness education
  • Work conditioning/hardening/retraining
  • Wound management

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